Interview with Julia Sosedka
"Julia, why have a successful banker, a mother of 7 children, a founder of a charity fund suddenly started an accessory brand?"
-There are indeed a lot of values in my life, which united, create a complete entity, that is to say - me.
The beauty and the sense of my life are my children.
My bank is my drive, my movement and my development.
And my Charity Fund is a spiritual way, help and the sense again.
The combination of all these values was implemented in the ALEFBET shawls.
These accessories allowed me to breathe life into my wish to create something that wasn’t done before.
They helped me to combine not only shawls and wraps with the unique design, but to charge them with a special quality - the assistance of making your dream come true. -
For the first time in my life I am occupied with the thing that belongs to my imagination, my creativity, my wishes and my knowledge.
In the beginning it was just a hobby which gradually became a business. It brings lots of joy to me, and happiness of wishes coming true to my clients.
The beauty and meaning of my life
"The philosophy of ALEFBET brand is based upon the Hebrew letters and their meaning. Why did exactly the Holy land become the source of your inspiration?"
-I’ve been working with numbers a great part of my life. And it’s my cup of tea. You’ll be surprised, but Hebrew is a digital language. Relying on Gematria (an alphanumeric code assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase based on its letters), plenty of phenomena get precise meaning and understanding of the cause-and-effect meaning.
When I started to study Hebrew, I discovered that Hebrew letters hold creative energy inside, except their individual meaning.
And, of course, the Holy land itself is the place, covered by the legends and the history of the whole world. It is the cradle of three religions, the place of pilgrimage of many people. And these people, no matter what religion they belong to (even those who don’t belong to any of them), go to Israel with their sacred wishes.
This fact inspired me to make our shawls, in which the quality of Italian fabric and the design of our Ukrainian artists are combined. It’s this synergy that creates the uniqueness of our brand.
And I know for sure, that every shawl fills the one who wears it with special energy. For example, the shawl with the ‘мем’ letter shares maternal energy. It doesn’t mean that wearing this shawl a woman will become a mother or receive some special possibilities and knowledge to raise her kids. It means she will boost her energy as a mother. And how she will bring it to life is up to her. The same goes to every our shawl.
Alefbet shawls mean freedom to dream, feel and bring to life
"And what your dreams came true after you started making and wearing your shawls?"
-Well, at first, all shawls I’m working with are great energy that gives me the desire to create, pushes me from my routine ‘I must’ to a chance ‘I wish’. And this is the part of my life I’ve been missing, and I’m happy I have it right now.
Therefore, we can come to a conclusion that one of my big dream has already come true. Next, putting on the shawl with the ‘shin’ letter, I wanted to expand my international connections.
And even despite the general situation in the world, I received some exciting offers. And also I have some very intimate wishes which I shaped thanks to our shawls.
And the way I see the chances to bring them to life depends only on me.